Outdoor Lighting


The implementation of a medium-voltage energy distribution network reduces cable cross-sections, lowers costs, facilitates installation and powers lighting up to 50km.


AUGIER’s energy transportation solutions are particularly suited to powering roads, ring roads, motorways, security fences and all other large sites.


Oran port

Oran port

Project feautures TOTAL POWER: 2 x 800 kVA TRANSPORT VOLTAGE: 5500 V NETWORK LENGHT: Great site LOCATION: Algeria YEAR: 2023 PROJECT OBJECTIVES Distribute significant electrical power over a large site, by optimizing cable cross sections and achieving energy savings...

Normandie bridge – Grand canal viaduct

Normandie bridge – Grand canal viaduct

Project feautures TOTAL POWER: 800 kVA TRANSPORT VOLTAGE: 5500 V NETWORK DISTANCE: 8 KM LOCATION: France YEAR: 2022 PROJECT OBJECTIVES Reduce cable cross-sections and use electrical equipment designed to operate in wetlands. No electrical source available on bridge....

Penang Bridge Lighting

Penang Bridge Lighting

Project feautures TOTAL POWER: 1260 kVA TRANSPORT VOLTAGE: 6600 V NETWORK DISTANCE: 17 KM LOCATION: Penang, Malaysia YEAR: 2013 PROJECT OBJECTIVES Light the bridge on 17 km with poles equipped with 70W, 150W and 400W HPS lamps. CUSTOMER NEEDS Power transformers...

Borgo Vescovato ring road lighting, Corsica

Borgo Vescovato ring road lighting, Corsica

Project feautures TOTAL POWER: 50 kVA TRANSPORT VOLTAGE: 950 V NETWORK DISTANCE: 1.3 KM LOCATION: Borgo, Corse YEAR: 2012 PROJECT OBJECTIVES Supplying power to the ring road lighting. CUSTOMER NEEDS Energy source (400V) available from beginning of installation....

Tunnel Inelfe – Lighting – Work phase

Tunnel Inelfe – Lighting – Work phase

Project feautures TOTAL POWER: 100 kVA TRANSPORT VOLTAGE: 5500 V NETWORK DISTANCE: 8.4 KM LOCATION: Santa Logaia, Spain YEAR: 2012 PROJECT OBJECTIVES Tunnel lighting from 0 to 5000 meters Lighting power supply - 200 Fluo 56 W lamps and two 20 kW pumps from the tunnel...

Tunnel – Fréjus, France – Lighting – construction phase

Tunnel – Fréjus, France – Lighting – construction phase

Project feautures TOTAL POWER: 500 kVA TRANSPORT VOLTAGE: 5500 V NETWORK DISTANCE: 12 KM LOCATION: Bardonnèche, France YEAR: 2011 PROJECT OBJECTIVES Supply lighting to the SNCF tunnel at Fréjus; a length of 7000m with two 58W lamps every 10 meters. Voltage available:...

Multimodal site – Dourges, France

Multimodal site – Dourges, France

Project feautures TOTAL POWER: 2500 kVA TRANSPORT VOLTAGE: 5500 V NETWORK DISTANCE: 6 KM LOCATION: Dourges, France YEAR: 2002 PROJECT OBJECTIVES Supply 5.5kV – lighting railways and platforms Railways:- Power supply of 22 masts distributed over two 5500 V contactor-...

Oil Storage Lighting – Marine Terminal, Russia

Oil Storage Lighting – Marine Terminal, Russia

Project feautures TOTAL POWER: 100 kVA TRANSPORT VOLTAGE: 950 V NETWORK DISTANCE: 5.5 KM LOCATION: Novorossiysk, Russia YEAR: 2001 PROJECT OBJECTIVES Safety perimeter lighting, 5.5 km with 175 masts and site lighting (263 masts). CUSTOMER NEEDS Safeguard lighting in...

Suspended Bridge Lighting, China

Suspended Bridge Lighting, China

Project feautures TOTAL POWER: 1600 kVA TRANSPORT VOLTAGE: 5500 V NETWORK DISTANCE: 15.6 KM LOCATION: Hong Kong, China YEAR: 1995-1996 PROJECT OBJECTIVES Power supply for lighting of the longest (15.6 km) cable-suspension bridge in China. Power supply of video cameras...